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Showing items 988-1008 of 5556.

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Hemifacial Microsomiaの長期観察と外科的矯正治療例
歯科学報  29-Feb-2004
西村, 文邦; 野嶋, 邦彦; 末石, 研二; 山口, 秀晴; 幾本, 英之; 内山, 健志; 歯科矯正学; 口腔外科学第二
Hemifacial Microsomiaの顎運動機能に関する研究
歯科学報  30-Aug-2004
鈴木, 基; 坂本, 輝雄; 一色, 泰成; 歯科矯正学
Heterochronous Suture Line Recurrences in the Jejunal Pouch following Total Gastrectomy for Stage II Gastric Cancer: A Case Report and Literature Review
Case reports in oncology  Mar-2020
Yokoe, T; Sato, M; Yahagi, M; Dogru, M; Fujisaki, H; Ogura, M; Kawamata, H; Asahara, F; Takayama, S; Harada, H; Tanaka, Y; Miyauchi, J; Matsui, J; 市病・外科学; 市病・臨床検査科
HGF and IGF-1 is Present during the Developmental Process of Murine Masseter Muscle
歯科学報  28-Feb-2011
野並, 幹三
HGP44 induces protection against Porphyromonas gingivalis-Induced alveolar bone loss in mice
Clinical and vaccine immunology : CVI  May-2011
Muramatsu, K; Kokubu, E; Shibahara, T; Okuda, K; Ishihara, K; 口腔科学研究センター; 口腔外科学; 微生物学
HGP44 Induces Protection against Porphyromonas gingivalis-Induced Alveolar Bone Loss in Mice
歯科学報  30-Apr-2012
村松, 恭太郎
High pH-sensitive store-operated Ca2+ entry mediated by Ca2+ release-activated Ca2+ channels in rat odontoblasts
歯科学報  30-Jan-2022
西, 孝一
High pH-sensitive store-operated Ca2+ entry mediated by Ca2+release-activated Ca2+ channels in rat odontoblasts
歯科学報  30-Jun-2019
木村, 麻記; 生理学
High pH-Sensitive TRPA1 Activation in Odontoblasts Regulates Mineralization
歯科学報  30-Dec-2017
佐瀬, 俊之
High Submandibular Anteroparotid Approach for Open Reduction and Internal Fixation of Condylar Fracture
Case reports in dentistry  Jul-2021
Hayashi, K; Onda, T; Honda, H; Takata, M; Matsuda, H; Tamura, H; Takano, M; 口腔顎顔面外科学
High-Level Expression of Alkaline Phosphatase by Adeno-Associated Virus Vector Ameliorates Pathological Bone Structure in a Hypophosphatasia Mouse Model
Calcified tissue international  Feb-2020
Nakamura-Takahashi, A; Tanase, T; Matsunaga, S; Shintani, S; Abe, S; Nitahara-Kasahara, Y; Watanabe, A; Hirai, Y; Okada, T; Yamaguchi, A; Kasahara, M; 解剖学; 薬理学; 小児歯科学; 口腔科学研究センター; 研究ブランディング事業
Histamine regulates IFN-γ production from T cells in palladium allergy mice model
井口, 直彦
Histological and immunohistochemical observation of the furcation area formation with the subpulpal lobus of rat molar
歯科学報  30-Dec-2018
大澤, 枝里
Histological and immunohistochemical observation of the furcation area formation with the subpulpal lobus of rat molar
大澤, 枝里
Histological and immunohistochemical observation of the furcation area formation with the subpulpal lobus of rat molar.
Journal of Hard Tissue Biology  2017
Osawa, E; Shintani, S; Yamamoto, H; 組織・発生学; 小児歯科学
Histological response in dental pulp of accelerate tooth movement using periodontal ligament distraction osteogenesis in dogs
歯科学報  30-Apr-2021
永野, 俊介
Histomorphometric observations of surgical methods for partial amputation injury of the inferior alveolar nerve using polyglycolic acid
歯科学報  30-Aug-2019
髙田, 満
Histomorphometric observations of surgical methods for partial amputation injury of the inferior alveolar nerve using polyglycolic acid
髙田, 満
歯科学報  30-Dec-2008
高久, 勇一朗; 柿澤, 卓; 高野, 正行; 笠原, 清弘; 小林, 弥生; 鈴木, 治仁; 口健臨・口腔外科学
HPV(human papillomavirus)と婦人科癌・口腔癌
歯科学報  30-Jun-2009
高松, 潔; 市病・産婦人科
歯科学報  30-Oct-2009
高松, 潔; 市病・産婦人科
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