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Showing items 1748-1768 of 5695.
Remifentanil is a suitable concomitant agent for propofol during dental outpatient anaesthesia
前納, 允
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Remifentanil reduces blood loss during orthognathic surgery
岡村, 大器
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Remifentanil reduces blood loss during orthognathic surgery
岡村, 大器
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Remineralization effects of enamel binding peptide, WGNYAYK, on enamel subsurface demineralization in vi tro. Enamel binding peptide, WGNYAYK effect remineralization of enamel
Miyayoshi, Y; Hamba, H; Nakamura, K; Ishizuka, H; Muramatsu, T; 保存修復学
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Remineralization of enamel subsurface lesions using toothpaste containing tricalcium phosphate and fluoride: an in vitro µCT analysis
BMC oral health
Hamba, H; Nakamura, K; Nikaido, T; Tagami, J; Muramatsu, T; 保存修復学
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Remodeling of Lumbar Spinal Osteoid Osteoma Resected With Microscopic Surgery in a 15-Year-Old Basketball Player: A Case Report
Matsumoto, S; Anazawa, U; Sasaki, A; Hotta, H; Watanabe, I; Aoyama, R; 市病・整形外科; 市病・臨床検査科; 市病・リハビリテーション科
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Repair Bond Strength of a Resin Composite to Plasma-Treated or UV-Irradiated CAD/CAM Ceramic Surface
Kameyama, A; Haruyama, A; Tanaka, A; Noro, A; Takahashi, T; Yoshinari, M; Furusawa, M; Yamashita, S; 歯内療法学; 保存修復学; 総合診療科; 口腔科学研究センター; パーシャルデンチャー補綴学
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Repair of the mandibular nerve by autogenous grafting after ablative surgery of the mandible
Bulletin of Tokyo Dental College
Shibahara, T; Noma, H; Takasaki, Y; Nomura, T; Fujikawa, M; 口腔外科学第一
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Repeated adjustment of new dentures for Dysphagia.
Bulletin of Tokyo Dental College
Hotta, H; Kanai, Y; Yamashita, S; 口健臨
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Reply to the Letter to the Editor Regarding the Article: Augmented Reality Device for Preoperative Marking of Spine Surgery Can Improve the Accuracy of Level Identification
Spine surgery and related research
Aoyama, R; Anazawa, U; Hotta, H; Watanabe, I; Takahashi, Y; Matsumoto, S; Ishibashi, T; 市病・整形外科
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Report by the medical volunteers who participated in the 2005 special olympics
International journal of sports dentistry
Nakajima, K; Handa, J; Takeda, T; Ishigami, K; スポーツ歯学
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Requirement for JNK and ERK Activation in BMP-2/BMP-7 -Induced Osteogenesis of Human Periodontal Ligament Cells
手錢, 親良
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Rescue of midface hypoplasia in Apert syndrome mouse model by modulating PIN1
Woo-Jin Kim
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Resin Bonding of Self-Etch Adhesives to Bovine Dentin Bleached from Pulp Chamber
BioMed research international
Haruyama, A; Kameyama, A; Kato, J; Takemoto, S; Oda, Y; Kawada, E; Takahashi, T; Furusawa, M; 歯科理工学; 総合診療科; 歯科保存学
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Resin bonding to dentin irradiated by high repetition rate Er:YAG laser
Photomedicine and laser surgery
Aizawa, K; Kameyama, A; Kato, J; Amagai, T; Takase, Y; Kawada, E; Oda, Y; Hirai, Y; 歯科理工学; 保存修復学
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Resin tag length of one-step and self-etching adhesives bonded to unground enamel
Bulletin of Tokyo Dental College
Sundfeld, RH; de Oliveira, CH; da Silva, AM; Briso, AL; Sundfeld, ML
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Resistance to cytotoxic chemotherapy-induced apoptosis in side population cells of human oral squamous cell carcinoma cell line Ho -1- N -1
矢島, 哲郎
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Response of Merkel cells in the palatal rugae to the continuous mechanical stimulation by palatal plate
Somatosensory & motor research
Ishizaki, K; Sakurai, K; Tazaki, M; Inoue, T; 生理学; 有床義歯補綴学; 臨床検査学
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Response of osteoblast-like cells to zirconia with different surface topography
伊藤, 寛史
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Response of porcine epithelial rests of Malassez to stimulation by interleukin‐6
佐古, 亮
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Response to a letter to the editor titled, "Weight loss in patients with obstructive sleep apnea: an interventional procedure"
Sleep & breathing
Tsuyumu, M; Tsurumoto, T; Iimura, J; Nakajima, T; Kojima, H; 市病・耳鼻咽喉科
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