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Showing items 1748-1768 of 5695.

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Remifentanil is a suitable concomitant agent for propofol during dental outpatient anaesthesia
前納, 允
Remifentanil reduces blood loss during orthognathic surgery
歯科学報  30-Apr-2018
岡村, 大器
Remifentanil reduces blood loss during orthognathic surgery
岡村, 大器
Remineralization effects of enamel binding peptide, WGNYAYK, on enamel subsurface demineralization in vi tro. Enamel binding peptide, WGNYAYK effect remineralization of enamel
Heliyon  Jan-2024
Miyayoshi, Y; Hamba, H; Nakamura, K; Ishizuka, H; Muramatsu, T; 保存修復学
Remineralization of enamel subsurface lesions using toothpaste containing tricalcium phosphate and fluoride: an in vitro µCT analysis
BMC oral health  Oct-2020
Hamba, H; Nakamura, K; Nikaido, T; Tagami, J; Muramatsu, T; 保存修復学
Remodeling of Lumbar Spinal Osteoid Osteoma Resected With Microscopic Surgery in a 15-Year-Old Basketball Player: A Case Report
Curēus  Nov-2023
Matsumoto, S; Anazawa, U; Sasaki, A; Hotta, H; Watanabe, I; Aoyama, R; 市病・整形外科; 市病・臨床検査科; 市病・リハビリテーション科
Repair Bond Strength of a Resin Composite to Plasma-Treated or UV-Irradiated CAD/CAM Ceramic Surface
Coatings  Jun-2018
Kameyama, A; Haruyama, A; Tanaka, A; Noro, A; Takahashi, T; Yoshinari, M; Furusawa, M; Yamashita, S; 歯内療法学; 保存修復学; 総合診療科; 口腔科学研究センター; パーシャルデンチャー補綴学
Repair of the mandibular nerve by autogenous grafting after ablative surgery of the mandible
Bulletin of Tokyo Dental College  Feb-1999
Shibahara, T; Noma, H; Takasaki, Y; Nomura, T; Fujikawa, M; 口腔外科学第一
Repeated adjustment of new dentures for Dysphagia.
Bulletin of Tokyo Dental College  Dec-2012
Hotta, H; Kanai, Y; Yamashita, S; 口健臨
Reply to the Letter to the Editor Regarding the Article: Augmented Reality Device for Preoperative Marking of Spine Surgery Can Improve the Accuracy of Level Identification
Spine surgery and related research  Jan-2023
Aoyama, R; Anazawa, U; Hotta, H; Watanabe, I; Takahashi, Y; Matsumoto, S; Ishibashi, T; 市病・整形外科
Report by the medical volunteers who participated in the 2005 special olympics
International journal of sports dentistry  2008
Nakajima, K; Handa, J; Takeda, T; Ishigami, K; スポーツ歯学
Requirement for JNK and ERK Activation in BMP-2/BMP-7 -Induced Osteogenesis of Human Periodontal Ligament Cells
歯科学報  30-Jun-2013
手錢, 親良
Rescue of midface hypoplasia in Apert syndrome mouse model by modulating PIN1
歯科学報  30-Jan-2022
Woo-Jin Kim
Resin Bonding of Self-Etch Adhesives to Bovine Dentin Bleached from Pulp Chamber
BioMed research international  Sep-2016
Haruyama, A; Kameyama, A; Kato, J; Takemoto, S; Oda, Y; Kawada, E; Takahashi, T; Furusawa, M; 歯科理工学; 総合診療科; 歯科保存学
Resin bonding to dentin irradiated by high repetition rate Er:YAG laser
Photomedicine and laser surgery  Jun-2006
Aizawa, K; Kameyama, A; Kato, J; Amagai, T; Takase, Y; Kawada, E; Oda, Y; Hirai, Y; 歯科理工学; 保存修復学
Resin tag length of one-step and self-etching adhesives bonded to unground enamel
Bulletin of Tokyo Dental College  Aug-2005
Sundfeld, RH; de Oliveira, CH; da Silva, AM; Briso, AL; Sundfeld, ML
Resistance to cytotoxic chemotherapy-induced apoptosis in side population cells of human oral squamous cell carcinoma cell line Ho -1- N -1
歯科学報  30-Aug-2010
矢島, 哲郎
Response of Merkel cells in the palatal rugae to the continuous mechanical stimulation by palatal plate
Somatosensory & motor research  2006
Ishizaki, K; Sakurai, K; Tazaki, M; Inoue, T; 生理学; 有床義歯補綴学; 臨床検査学
Response of osteoblast-like cells to zirconia with different surface topography
歯科学報  30-Jun-2013
伊藤, 寛史
Response of porcine epithelial rests of Malassez to stimulation by interleukin‐6
歯科学報  30-Aug-2019
佐古, 亮
Response to a letter to the editor titled, "Weight loss in patients with obstructive sleep apnea: an interventional procedure"
Sleep & breathing  
Tsuyumu, M; Tsurumoto, T; Iimura, J; Nakajima, T; Kojima, H; 市病・耳鼻咽喉科
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