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Showing items 1510-1530 of 5695.
A Novel Technique of Mixed Reality Systems in the Treatment of Spinal Cord Tumors
Aoyama, R; Anazawa, U; Hotta, H; Watanabe, I; Takahashi, Y; Matsumoto, S; 市病・整形外科
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Number of occlusal units estimated from number of present teeth
Bulletin of Tokyo Dental College
Yoshino, K; Watanabe, H; Fukai, K; Sugihara, N; Matsukubo, T; 衛生学
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O' Leary' s Plaque Control Recordにおける術者間の判定誤差について
森山, 貴史; 清田, 築; 秋田, 浩行; 守谷, 豪人; 長岡, 美佐子; 井太家, 敏和; 池上, 暁子; 島, 信博; 青木, 栄夫; 山田, 了; 歯科保存学第二
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O' LearyらのPlaque control recordにおける4点計測と6点計測の比較について
中川, 種昭; 池上, 暁子; 林, 真理; 磯部, 秀一; 大串, 勉; 青木, 栄夫; 角田, 正健; 山田, 了; 歯科保存学第二
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Objective Assessment of Erythema caused by Metal Patch Testing using an Erythema Index Meter
髙田, 篤史
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Occlusal force in people in their sixties attending college for elderly
Bulletin of Tokyo Dental College
Motegi, E; Nomura, M; Tachiki, C; Miyazaki, H; Takeuchi, F; Takaku, S; Abe, Y; Miyatani, M; Ogai, T; Fuma, A; Fukagawa, H; Kano, M; Sueishi, K; 歯科矯正学; 口健臨・歯科矯正学
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Occlusal treatment with bite splint improves dyskinesia in Parkinson's disease patient: a case report.
Bulletin of Tokyo Dental College
Nomoto, S; Nakamura, M; Sato, T; Hisanaga, R; クラウンブリッジ補綴学
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The odontoblast as a sensory receptor cell? The expression of TRPV1 (VR-1) channels
Archives of histology and cytology
Okumura, R; Shima, K; Muramatsu, T; Nakagawa, K; Shimono, M; Suzuki, T; Magloire, H; Shibukawa, Y; 生理学; 病理学; 歯内療法学
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One of two gbpC gene homologues is involved in dextran-dependent aggregation of Streptococcus sobrinus
Oral microbiology and immunology
Kagami, A; Okamoto-Shibayama, K; Yamamoto, Y; Sato, Y; Kizaki, H; 生化学
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Optical properties and flexural strength of translucent zirconia layered with high-translucent zirconia
酒井, 貴徳
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Optical properties and flexural strength of translucent zirconia layered with high-translucent zirconia
酒井, 貴徳
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Optimization of Parameter Settings in Cine-MR Imaging for Diagnosis of Swallowing
Bulletin of Tokyo Dental College
Ohkubo M; Higaki, T; Nishikawa, K; Sano, T; Otonari-Yamamoto, M; Sugiyama, T; shida, R; Wakoh, M; Sano, T; 摂食・嚥下リハビリテーション地域歯科診療支援科; 歯科放射線学
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Oral and maxillofacial surgery with computer-assisted navigation system
Bulletin of Tokyo Dental College
Kawachi, H; Kawachi, Y; Ikeda, C; Takagi, R; Katakura, A; Shibahara, T; 口腔外科学
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Oral cancer research with an emphasis on genomic analysis
Bulletin of Tokyo Dental College
Shibahara, T; Noma, H; Kakizawa, T; Ohtsuru, H; Fukutake, K; Uchida, I; 口腔外科学第一; 水病・口腔外科
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Oral condition and health status of elderly 8020 achievers in Aichi Prefecture
Bulletin of Tokyo Dental College
Hashimoto, M; Yamanaka, K; Shimosato, T; Ozawa, A; Takigawa, T; Hidaka, S; Sakai, T; Noguchi, T
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Oral environmental factors affecting number of microbes in saliva of complete denture wearers
Journal of oral rehabilitation
Ryu, M; Ueda, T; Saito, T; Yasui, M; Ishihara, K; Sakurai, K; 微生物学; 有床義歯補綴学
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Oral environmental factors affecting number of microbes in saliva of complete denture wearers
竜, 正大
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Oral epithelial cells inhibit the proliferation, mRNA expressions of collagen type I, RUNX2 and BGP, and ALP activity of osteoblast-like cells in co-culture
堀川, 正
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Oral epithelial cells inhibit the proliferation, mRNA expressions of collagen typeⅠ, RUNX2 and BGP, and ALP activity of osteoblast-like cells in co-culture
堀川, 正
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Oral flora in independent over 80-year-olds with more than 20 teeth
Bulletin of Tokyo Dental College
Ohazama, J; Motegi, E; Nomura, M; Miyazaki, H; Takane, Y; Harazaki, M; Yamaguchi, H; Ishihara, K; Okuda, K; Matsuda, I; 歯科矯正学; 微生物学
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Oral function and nutritional status in non-acute hospitalised elders
Ohta, M; Imamura, Y; Chebib, N; Schulte-Eickhoff, RM; Allain, S; Genton, L; Mojon, P; Graf, C; Ueda, T; Müller, F; 老年歯科補綴学
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