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Showing items 493-513 of 5628.

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Cytokeratin 13, Cytokeratin 17, Ki-67 and p53 Expression in Upper Layers of Epithelial Dysplasia Surrounding Tongue Squamous Cell Carcinoma
Bulletin of Tokyo Dental College  Nov-2015
Matsuhira, A; Noguchi, S; Sato, K; Tanaka, Y; Yamamoto, G; Mishima, K; Katakura, A; オーラルメディシン・口腔外科学; 口腔がんセンター; 市病・臨床検査科
Cytokeratin 13, Cytokeratin 17, Ki-67 and p53 Expression in Upper Layers of Epithelial Dysplasia Surrounding Tongue Squamous Cell Carcinoma
歯科学報  30-Apr-2017
松平, 晶子
Cytokeratins expression of constituting cells in ameloblastoma
Bulletin of Tokyo Dental College  Feb-2002
Fukumashi, K; Enokiya, Y; Inoue, T; 病理学; 臨床検査学
Debranch-First Technique with Zone 0 Elephant Trunk for Redo Operation of Residual Type B Aortic Dissection: The Completion of Aortic Proximalization
Journal of chest surgery  Jan-2024
Inoue, Y; 市病・心臓血管外科
Decision tree analysis for factors associated with dental caries in school-aged children in Japan
歯科学報  30-Oct-2022
浮谷, 得子
Decreases in oral tissue blood flow induced by remifentanil are not accompanied by deterioration of oral tissue oxygen tension in rabbits
小林, 紗矢香
Decreases in oral tissue blood flow induced by remifentanil are not accompanied by deterioration of oral tissue oxygen tension in rabbits
歯科学報  30-Oct-2022
小林, 紗矢香
DEL-1:Integrating anti-inflammatory and pro-resolution signals in periodontitis
歯科学報  30-Oct-2019
George, Hajishengallis
Delayed large pruritic eruption to the BNT162b2 mRNA vaccine
IDCases  2021
Terashima, T; 市病・呼吸器内科
Delayed visit and treatment of lung cancer during the coronavirus disease 2019 pandemic in Japan: a retrospective study
The Journal of international medical research  May-2022
Terashima, T; Tsutsumi, A; Iwami, E; Kuroda, A; Nakajima, T; Eguchi, K; 市病・外科学; 市病・呼吸器内科
Deletion polymorphism at chromosome 3q26.1 and oral squamous cell carcinoma
歯科学報  30-Jun-2013
河地, 誉
Delivery of Low-Diluted Toothpaste during Brushing Improves Enamel Acid Resistance
Materials (Basel, Switzerland)  Jul-2023
Satou, R; Shibata, C; Takayanagi, A; Yamagishi, A; Birkhed, D; Sugihara, N; 衛生学
歯科学報  30-May-1994
鏡, 宣昭; 真木, 吉信; 杉原, 直樹; 高江洲, 義矩; 衛生学
Dens Evaginatus on Occlusal Surface of Maxillary Second Molar: A Case Report
Bulletin of Tokyo Dental College  Sep-2010
Morinaga, K; Aida, N; Asai, T; Tezen, C; Ide, Y; Nakagawa, K; 歯科保存学; 解剖学
Dental Anesthesiology - Devotion to Patient’s Welfare
歯科学報  30-Jan-2022
一戸, 達也; 歯科麻酔学
Dental Anesthesiology-Devotion to Patient’s Welfare
歯科学報  30-Apr-2022
一戸, 達也; 歯科麻酔学
Dental Care for Physically or Mentally Challenged at Public Dental Clinics
Bulletin of Tokyo Dental College  Aug-2007
Mochizuki, K; Tsujino, K; Ohtawa, Y; Yakushiji, M; Nomura, K; Ichinohe, T; Kaneko, Y; 口健臨・小児歯科学; 小児歯科学; 歯科麻酔学
Dental Erosion and Sulfuric Ion Exposure Levels in Individuals Working with Sulfuric Acid in Lead Storage Battery Manufacturing Plant Measured with Mouth-rinse Index
Bulletin of Tokyo Dental College  Nov-2010
Suyama, Y; Takaku, S; Okawa, Y; Matsukubo, T; 衛生学
Dental erosion in workers exposed to sulfuric acid in lead storage battery manufacturing facility.
Bulletin of Tokyo Dental College  May-2010
Suyama, Y; Takaku, S; Okawa, Y; Matsukubo, T; 衛生学
“Dental Implant Education in USA”-System in Columbia University, from the past to the future-
歯科学報  30-Oct-2017
Wang, PD
Dental implant treatment after improvement of oral environment by orthodontic therapy.
Bulletin of Tokyo Dental College  Aug-2012
Sekine, H; Miyazaki, H; Takanashi, T; Furuya, K; Matsuzaki, F; Taguchi, T; Katada, H; 口健臨・口腔インプラント学; 口健臨・歯科矯正学
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