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Showing items 977-997 of 5562.

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Growth of palate in unilateral cleft lip and palate patients undergoing two-stage palatoplasty and orthodontic treatment
江里口, 雅
Growth of palate in unilateral cleft lip and palate patients undergoing two-stage palatoplasty and orthodontic treatment
歯科学報  30-Apr-2024
江里口, 雅
Gαs-Coupled CGRP Receptor Signaling Axis from the Trigeminal Ganglion Neuron to Odontoblast Negatively Regulates Dentin Mineralization
Biomolecules  Dec-2022
Saito, N; Kimura, M; Ouchi, T; Ichinohe, T; Shibukawa, Y; 生理学; 歯科麻酔学
歯科学報  30-Apr-2009
田中, 陽一; 市病・臨床検査科
Head and neck contrast-enhanced CT for identification of internal carotid artery stenosis progression on the affected side after treatment for oral squamous cell carcinoma
Oral radiology  Jan-2013
Ikawa, H; Sato, K; Tonogi, M; Yamane, GY; Kimura, M; Tatsuno, S; Aoyagi, Y; Katakura, A; 市病・オーラルメディシン・口腔外科学; 市病・口腔がんセンター; 市病・放射線科
Healing of Experimental Periodontal Defects Following Treatment with Fibroblast Growth Factor-2 and Deproteinized Bovine Bone Mineral
Biomolecules  May-2021
Murakami, T; Matsugami, D; Yoshida, W; Imamura, K; Bizenjima, T; Seshima, F; Saito, A; 歯周病学; 口腔科学研究センター; 千葉歯科医療センター
Heat shock protein of Mycoplasma salivarium and Mycoplasma orale strains isolated from HIV-seropositive patients
Bulletin of Tokyo Dental College  Nov-2002
Chattin-Kacouris, BR; Ishihara, K; Miura, T; Okuda, K; Ikeda, M; Ishikawa, T; Rowland, R; 微生物学; 歯科保存学第三
Hedgehog Activation Regulates Human Osteoblastogenesis
Stem cell reports  Jul-2020
Onodera, S; Saito, A; Hojo, H; Nakamura, T; Zujur, D; Watanabe, K; Morita, N; Hasegawa, D; Masaki, H; Nakauchi, H; Nomura, T; Shibahara, T; Yamaguchi, A; Chung, UI; Azuma, T; Ohba, S; 生化学; 口腔顎顔面外科学; 市病・オーラルメディシン・口腔外科学; 口腔科学研究センター
Helicobacter pylori Antibody Titer and Gastric Cancer Screening
Disease markers  Sep-2015
Kishikawa, H; Kimura, K; Takarabe, S; Kaida, S; Nishida, J; 市病・消化器科
Helicobacter pylori感染症
歯科学報  28-Feb-2005
森下, 鉄夫; 市病・内科
Hemagglutinin/Adhesin domains of Porphyromonas gingivalis play key roles in coaggregation with Treponema denticola
歯科学報  30-Oct-2011
伊藤, 理恵子
Hemagglutinin/Adhesin domains of Porphyromonas gingivalis play key roles in coaggregation with Treponema denticola
FEMS immunology and medical microbiology  Dec-2010
Ito, R; Ishihara, K; Shoji, M; Nakayama, K; Okuda, K; 微生物学; 口腔科学研究センター
Hemifacial microsomia における3次元座標を用いた頭蓋形態評価
歯科学報  30-Aug-2012
有泉, 大; 坂本, 輝雄; 石井, 武展; 末石, 研二; 歯科矯正学
Hemifacial Microsomia の表情筋および咀嚼筋筋活動の特性
歯科学報  30-Aug-2005
西村, 文邦; 坂本, 輝雄; 末石, 研二; 歯科矯正学
Hemifacial Microsomiaの長期観察と外科的矯正治療例
歯科学報  29-Feb-2004
西村, 文邦; 野嶋, 邦彦; 末石, 研二; 山口, 秀晴; 幾本, 英之; 内山, 健志; 歯科矯正学; 口腔外科学第二
Hemifacial Microsomiaの顎運動機能に関する研究
歯科学報  30-Aug-2004
鈴木, 基; 坂本, 輝雄; 一色, 泰成; 歯科矯正学
Heterochronous Suture Line Recurrences in the Jejunal Pouch following Total Gastrectomy for Stage II Gastric Cancer: A Case Report and Literature Review
Case reports in oncology  Mar-2020
Yokoe, T; Sato, M; Yahagi, M; Dogru, M; Fujisaki, H; Ogura, M; Kawamata, H; Asahara, F; Takayama, S; Harada, H; Tanaka, Y; Miyauchi, J; Matsui, J; 市病・外科学; 市病・臨床検査科
HGF and IGF-1 is Present during the Developmental Process of Murine Masseter Muscle
歯科学報  28-Feb-2011
野並, 幹三
HGP44 induces protection against Porphyromonas gingivalis-Induced alveolar bone loss in mice
Clinical and vaccine immunology : CVI  May-2011
Muramatsu, K; Kokubu, E; Shibahara, T; Okuda, K; Ishihara, K; 口腔科学研究センター; 口腔外科学; 微生物学
HGP44 Induces Protection against Porphyromonas gingivalis-Induced Alveolar Bone Loss in Mice
歯科学報  30-Apr-2012
村松, 恭太郎
High pH-sensitive store-operated Ca2+ entry mediated by Ca2+ release-activated Ca2+ channels in rat odontoblasts
歯科学報  30-Jan-2022
西, 孝一
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