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Showing items 1256-1276 of 5695.

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Ketamine, not fentanyl, suppresses pain-related magnetic fields associated with trigeminally innervated area following CO2 laser stimulation
歯科学報  30-Oct-2009
松浦, 信幸
The key points for occlusal analysis and full mouth rehabilitation of the patient with severely worn dentition
歯科学報  30-Jan-2022
Jianfeng, Ma
Kissing molars class III detected at a young age
Maxillofacial plastic and reconstructive surgery  May-2023
Hoshino, T; Koyama, Y; Katakura, A; 口腔病態外科学
医学図書館  20-Mar-2009
阿部, 潤也; 図書館
Lactobacillus rhamnosus L8020 タブレットのcnm 遺伝子陽性Streptococcus mutans 菌数に対する影響
日本口腔検査学会雑誌  31-Jan-2023
北川, 雅恵; 田地, 豪; 長嶺, 憲太郎; 二川, 浩樹
Large-Conductance Calcium-Activated Potassium Channels and Voltage-Dependent Sodium Channels in Human Cementoblasts
Frontiers in physiology  Apr-2021
Kamata, S; Kimura, M; Ohyama, S; Yamashita, S; Shibukawa, Y; 生理学; パーシャルデンチャー補綴学
Laser Welding Method for Removal of Instruments Debris from Root Canals
歯科学報  28-Feb-2014
萩原, 領一
Laser welding method for removal of instruments debris from root canals.
Bulletin of Tokyo Dental College  May-2013
Hagiwara, R; Suehara, M; Fujii, R; Kato, H; Nakagawa, K; Oda, Y.; 歯科保存学; 歯科理工学
歯科学報  30-Jun-2010
澤木, 康平; 大久保, みぎわ; 四宮, 敬史; 塚越, 絵里; 山﨑, 貴希; 劔持, 正浩; 宮尾, 真理子; 金子, 譲; 一戸, 達也; 川口, 充; 薬理学; 口腔超微構造学; 歯科麻酔学
Le Fort Ⅰ型骨切り術からみた顎動脈とその分枝の走行に関する外科解剖
歯科学報  30-Apr-2005
石井, 建; 須賀, 賢一郎; 内山, 健志; 口腔外科学第二
Learning climate in dental hygiene education: a longitudinal case study of a Japanese and Canadian programme
International journal of dental hygiene  May-2010
Saito, A; Sunell, S; Rucker, L; Wilson, M; Sato, Y; Cathcart, G; 口健臨・歯科保存学
Lesions related to the formation of bone, cartilage or cementum arising in the oral area: a statistical study and review of the literature
Bulletin of Tokyo Dental College  Aug-2002
Matsuzaka, K; Shimono, M; Uchiyama, T; Noma, H; Inoue, T; 臨床検査学; 病理学; 口腔外科学第二; 口腔外科学第一
Leukemia case in patient with taste dysfunction
Bulletin of Tokyo Dental College  May-2005
Tazaki, M; Matsuzaka, K; Ikumoto, H; Inoue, T; 生理学; 臨床検査学; 口腔外科学
Light conditions affect rhythmic expression of aquaporin 5 and anoctamin 1 in rat submandibular glands.
Heliyon  Nov-2019
Satou, R; Shibukawa, Y; Kimura, M; Sugihara, N; 衛生学; 生理学
Light Energy Transmission through Composite Influenced by Material Shades
Bulletin of Tokyo Dental College  Nov-2009
Guiraldo, RD; Consani, S; Consani, RL; Berger, SB; Mendes, WB; Sinhoreti, MA
Light-curing efficiency of dental adhesives by gallium nitride violet-laser diode determined in terms of ultimate micro-tensile strength
Bio-medical materials and engineering  2011
Kameyama, A; Kato, J; De Munck, J; Hatayama, H; Haruyama, A; Yoshinari, M; Takase, Y; Van Meerbeek, B; Tsunoda, M; 総合診療科; 口腔科学研究センター
Light-curing of dental resins with GaN violet laser diode: the effect of photoinitiator on mechanical strength
Lasers in medical science  May-2011
Kameyama, A; Hatayama, H; Kato, J; Haruyama, A; Teraoka, H; Takase, Y; Yoshinari, M; Tsunoda, M; 口腔科学研究センター
Lin-7C/VELI3/MALS-3: an essential component in metastasis of human squamous cell carcinoma
Cancer Research  Oct-2007
Onda, T; Uzawa, K; Nakashima, D; Saito, K; Iwadate, Y; Seki, N; Shibahara, T; Tanzawa, H; 口腔外科学
Lip seal study of Japanese adults with malocclusion
Bulletin of Tokyo Dental College  May-2002
Ueda, K; Motegi, E; Yata, R; Torikai, T; Harasaki, M; Yamaguchi, H; 歯科矯正学
Lipopolysaccharides stimulate adrenomedullin synthesis in intestinal epithelial cells: release kinetics and secretion polarity
Peptides  May-2009
Kishikawa, H; Nishida, J; Ichikawa, H; Kaida, S; Morishita, T; Miura, S; Hibi, T; 市病・内科学; 市病・消化器科
Localization and expression patterns of TRP channels in submandibular gland development
藤関, 元也
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