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Showing items 625-645 of 5605.

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Effect of buccal part designs of polyamide resin partial removable dental prosthesis on retentive force
歯科学報  30-Oct-2011
田口, 裕美子
Effect of Cevimeline on Radiation-Induced Salivary Gland Dysfunction and AQP5 in Submandibular Gland in Mice
Bulletin of Tokyo Dental College  May-2007
Takakura, K; Takaki, S; Takeda, I; Hanaue, N; Kizu, Y; Tonogi, M; Yamane, GY; 市病・オーラルメディシン・口腔外科学
Effect of changes in end-tidal carbon dioxide tension on oral tissue blood flow during dexmedetomidine infusion in rabbits
岡田, 玲奈
Effect of changes in end-tidal carbon dioxide tension on oral tissue blood flow during dexmedetomidine infusion in rabbits European Journal of Oral Sciences
歯科学報  29-Feb-2016
岡田, 玲奈
Effect of Chewing or Compressing Food on Autonomic Nervous Activity in Older Adults
歯科学報  30-Apr-2019
太田, 緑
Effect of Chewing or Levigating Food on Autonomic Nervous Activity in Older Adults
太田, 緑
Effect of chitosan rinsing on reduction of dental plaque formation
Bulletin of Tokyo Dental College  Feb-2003
Sano, H; Shibasaki, K; Matsukubo, T; Takaesu, Y; 衛生学
Effect of chromium content on mechanical properties of casting Ti-Cr alloys
Dental materials journal  Oct-2010
Hattori, M; Takemoto, S; Yoshinari, M; Kawada, E; Oda, Y; 歯科理工学
Effect of clenching and pinching force on activation of cortex involved in motor brain activity : an fMRI study
歯科学報  30-Jun-2013
三島, 攻
Effect of clenching with a mouthguard on head acceleration during heading of a soccer ball
歯科学報  30-Dec-2017
成松, 慶之郎
Effect of clenching with mouthguard on head acceleration during soccer heading
成松, 慶之郎
Effect of Clinical Factors on Bacterial Contamination of Bone Chips Collected During Implant Surgery
歯科学報  30-Aug-2014
古賀, 剛人
The effect of CO(2) laser irradiation on oral soft tissue problems in children in Sri Lanka.
Photomedicine and laser surgery  Aug-2007
Kato, J; Wijeyeweera, RL; 保存修復学
Effect of collaborative intervention by medical and dental professionals on adherence to smoking abstinence
Bulletin of Tokyo Dental College  Feb-2015
Nishina, M; Hoshino, T; Murai, K; Miyata, K; Ishii, Y; Saito, A; 水病・内科; 口健臨; 水病・看護部; 水病・歯科衛生士部; 歯周病学
Effect of combination of trigger point injection and stellate ganglion block on non-odontogenic mandibular molar pain referred from masseter muscle: a case report.
Bulletin of Tokyo Dental College  Aug-2013
Handa, T; Fukuda, K; Ichinohe, T; 口健臨・歯科麻酔; 歯科麻酔学
The effect of concentrated growth factor on rat bone marrow cells in vitro and on calvarial bone healing in vivo
歯科学報  28-Feb-2017
武田, 侑大
The effect of concentrated growth factor on rat bone marrow cells in vitro and on in vivo calvarial bone healing
武田, 侑大
Effect of Connector Design on Fracture Resistance in All-ceramic Fixed Partial Dentures for Mandibular Incisor Region
歯科学報  30-Apr-2015
村瀬, 俊彦
Effect of Connector Design on Fracture Resistance in All-ceramic Fixed Partial Dentures for Mandibular Incisor Region
Bulletin of Tokyo Dental College  Sep-2014
Murase, T; Nomoto, S; Sato, T; Shinya, A; Koshihara, T; Yasuda, H; クラウンブリッジ補綴学
Effect of Connector Design on Fracture Resistance in Zirconia-based Fixed Partial Dentures for Upper Anterior Region
Bulletin of Tokyo Dental College  
Ogino, Y; Nomoto, S; Sato, T; クラウンブリッジ補綴学
Effect of connector design on fracture resistance in zirconia-based fixed partial dentures for upper anterior resion
歯科学報  28-Feb-2018
荻野, 泰志
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