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Showing items 558-578 of 5695.

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Developmental mechanism of muscle-tendon-bone complex in the fetal soft palate
歯科学報  30-Apr-2021
奈良, 倫之
Developmental mechanism of muscle-tendon-bone complex in the fetal soft palate
奈良, 倫之
Developmental studies on the acquisition of perception conducting pathways via TRP channels in rat molar odontoblasts using immunohistochemistry and RT-qPCR
歯科学報  30-Oct-2024
田中, 亜生
Developmental studies on the acquisition of perception conducting pathways via TRP channels in rat molar odontoblasts using immunohistochemistry and RT-qPCR
田中, 亜生
Developmental studies on the acquisition of perception conducting pathways via TRP channels in rat molar odontoblasts using immunohistochemistry and RT-qPCR.
Anatomical science international  Mar-2020
Tanaka, A; Shibukawa, Y; Yamamoto, M; Abe, S; Yamamoto, H; Shintani, S; 解剖学; 生理学; 小児歯科学; 組織・発生学
Dexmedetomidine dose dependently decreases oral tissue blood flow during sevoflurane and propofol anesthesia in rabbits
Journal of oral and maxillofacial surgery  Aug-2012
Sazuka, S; Matsuura, N; Ichinohe, T; 歯科麻酔学
Dexmedetomidine Dose Dependently Decreases Oral Tissue Blood Flow During Sevoflurane and Propofol Anesthesia in Rabbits
歯科学報  30-Oct-2012
佐塚, 祥一郎
Diagnosis and Endodontic Management of Fused Mandibular Second Molar and Paramolar with Concrescent Supernumerary Tooth Using Cone-beam CT and 3-D Printing Technology: A Case Report
Bulletin of Tokyo Dental College  Aug-2015
Kato, H; Kamio, T; 歯内療法学; 歯科放射線学
Diazepam enhances production of diazepam binding inhibitor (DBI), a negative saliva secretion regulator,localized in rat salivary gland
歯科学報  30-Dec-2011
塚越, 絵里
Differences in dynamic perception of salty taste intensity between young and older adults
Scientific reports  May-2022
Sato, H; Wada, H; Matsumoto, H; Takagiwa, M; Goto, TK; 歯科放射線学; 数学; 研究ブランディング事業
Differences in time-intensity sensory profiles of sweet taste intensity of glucose between older and young adults
Frontiers in nutrition  Mar-2024
Wada, H; Matsumoto, H; Takagiwa, M; Sato, H; Ishiguchi, K; Inoue, A; Goto, TK; 歯科放射線学; 数学; 研究ブランディング事業
Differential ability of periodontopathic bacteria to modulate invasion of human gingival epithelial cells by Porphyromonas gingivalis
Microbial pathogenesis  Dec-2009
Saito, A; Inagaki, S; Ishihara, K; 微生物学; 口健臨・歯科保存学; 口腔科学研究センター
Differential expression and localization of connexins 26 and 43 in the rat gingival epithelium
Archives of histology and cytology  Nov-2008
Muramatsu, T; Uekusa, T; Masaoka, T; Saitoh, M; Hashimoto, S; Abiko, Y; Jung, HS; Shimono, M; 病理学; 歯周病学; HRC7
Differential Signaling by TGF-1 and BMP-2/-7 During Induction of Osteogenic Differentiation of Human Periodontal Ligament Cells-Involvement of a PI3K/mTOR/p70S6K Mechanism
歯科学報  30-Jun-2013
間, 奈津子
Differentiation behavior of iPS cells cultured on PLGA with osteoinduction medium
歯科学報  30-Apr-2018
戸木田, 怜子
Differentiation behavior of iPS cells cultured on PLGA with osteoinduction medium
戸木田, 怜子
Diffractive multifocal intraocular lens interferes with intraoperative view
Clinical ophthalmology  May-2010
Yoshino, M; Inoue, M; Kitamura, N; Bissen-Miyajima, H; 水病・眼科
Digital subtraction technique for evaluation of peri-implant bone change in digital dental imaging
Bulletin of Tokyo Dental College  May-2006
Wakoh, M; Nishikawa, K; Otonari, T; Yamamoto, M; Harada, T; Sano, T; Yajima, Y; Ooguro, T; 歯科放射線学; 口腔インプラント科
Digital technology for fabrication of removable dental prosthesis with double crowns combining fiber-reinforced composite and zirconia
Journal of prosthodontic research  Jul-2023
Tasaka, A; Shimizu, T; Ito, K; Wadachi, J; Odaka, K; Yamashita, S; パーシャルデンチャー補綴学; 歯科放射線学; 口腔科学研究センター
Digital video image processing from dental operating microscope in endodontic treatment.
Bulletin of Tokyo Dental College  Feb-2012
Suehara, M; Nakagawa, K; Aida, N; Ushikubo, T; Morinaga, K; 歯科保存学
Disc Height Narrowing Could Not Stabilize the Mobility at the Level of Cervical Spondylolisthesis: A Retrospective Study of 83 Patients with Cervical Single-Level Spondylolisthesis
Asian spine journal  Feb-2023
Aoyama, R; Yamane, J; Ninomiya, K; Takahashi, Y; Kitamura, K; Nori, S; Suzuki, S; Shiraishi, T; 市病・整形外科
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