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Showing items 1524-1544 of 5628.

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Oral function and nutritional status in non-acute hospitalised elders
Gerodontology  Mar-2022
Ohta, M; Imamura, Y; Chebib, N; Schulte-Eickhoff, RM; Allain, S; Genton, L; Mojon, P; Graf, C; Ueda, T; Müller, F; 老年歯科補綴学
Oral function is associated with the body and muscle mass indices of middle-aged dental patients
Clinical and experimental dental research  Feb-2022
Nishi, T; Ohta, M; Takano, T; Ogami, K; Ueda, T; Sakurai, K; 老年歯科補綴学; 総合診療科
Oral habits of temporomandibular disorder patients with malocclusion
Bulletin of Tokyo Dental College  Nov-2003
Fujita, Y; Motegi, E; Nomura, M; Kawamura, S; Yamaguchi, D; Yamaguchi, H; 歯科矯正学
Oral structure representation in human somalosensory cortex
歯科学報  30-Oct-2009
田村, 洋平
Orthodontic treatment for jaw deformities in cleft lip and palate patients with the combined use of an external-expansion arch and a facial mask
Bulletin of Tokyo Dental College  Nov-2002
Sakamoto, T; Sakamoto, S; Harazaki, M; Isshiki, Y; Yamaguchi, H; 歯科矯正学
Orthodontic treatment in combination with Le Fort II bone distraction in patient with Apert syndrome.
Bulletin of Tokyo Dental College  Feb-2013
Miyazaki, H; Katada, H; Ichinokawa, Y; Hirabayashi, S; Sueishi, K; 口健臨・歯科矯正; 歯科矯正学
Orthodontic Treatment in Down's Syndrome Patient with Unilateral Cleft Lip and Alveolus
Bulletin of Tokyo Dental College  Sep-2014
Miyazaki, H; Ohtawa, Y; Sueishi, K; 歯科矯正学; 口健臨・障害者歯科
歯科学報  30-Oct-2006
阿部, 伸一; 井出, 吉信; 矢島, 安朝; 伊藤, 太一; 佐野, 司; 大久保, 真衣; 一戸, 達也; 河田, 英司; 歯科医学教育開発センター; 解剖学; 口腔インプラント科; 歯科放射線学; 歯科麻酔学; 歯科理工学
Osseointegrated implantにおける上部構造の適合性向上に関する臨床的検討(第2報) : 上部構造の被覆範囲の差と適合精度との関係
歯科学報  30-Aug-1999
高, 錫びん; 森下, 亜矢子; 高岡, 元文; 中島, 亜紀; 高梨, 芳彰; 辻, 吉純; 堀田, 宏巳; 島村, 一郎; 岸, 正孝; 歯科補綴学第三
Osseous choristoma in child with strong vomiting reflex
Bulletin of Tokyo Dental College  Sep-2014
Yamamoto, M; Migita, M; Ogane, S; Narita, M; Yamamoto, N; Takaki, T; Matsuzaka, K; Shibahara, T; 口腔外科学; 臨床検査病理学
Ossified Posterior Longitudinal Ligament Existing at an Intervertebral Level Limits Compensatory Mechanism of Cervical Lordosis after Muscle-Preserving Selective Laminectomy.
Spine surgery and related research  Aug-2019
Nori, S; Aoyama, R; Ninomiya, K; Suzuki, S; Anazawa, U; Shiraishi, T; 市病・整形外科
Osteoblastic Cell Proliferation with Uniform Distribution in a Large Scaffold Using Radial-Flow Bioreactor
歯科学報  30-Oct-2011
荒野, 太一
Osteogenic differences in cultured rat periosteal cells under hypoxic and normal conditions
歯科学報  30-Aug-2012
市島, 丈裕
Osteogenic differences in cultured rat periosteal cells under hypoxic and normal conditions
Experimental and therapeutic medicine  Feb-2012
Ichijima, T; Matsuzaka, K; Tonogi, M; Yamane, GY; Inoue, T; 市病・オーラルメディシン・口腔外科学; 臨床検査病理学; HRC7
Osteogenic effect of fluvastatin combined with biodegradable gelatin-hydrogel
Dental materials journal  2012
Tanabe, K; Nomoto, H; Okumori, N; Miura, T; Yoshinari, M; 口腔科学研究センター
Osteogenic effect of fluvastatin local-administration using a fluvastatin-gelatin complex in senile osteoporosis model rats
安田, 博光
Osteogenic effect of local administration of fluvastatin using a fluvastatin-gelatin complex in senile osteoporosis model rats
歯科学報  29-Feb-2016
安田, 博光
Osteology Research Academy Core Module Hong Kong 参加レポート
歯科学報  30-Dec-2017
鈴木, 瑛一; 備前島, 崇; 歯周病学
Osteology Research Academy Hong Kong 2019 参加レポート
歯科学報  30-Aug-2019
喜田, 大智; 青木, 栄人; 歯周病学
Osteoma of Mandibular Condyle as Cause of Acute Pain and Limited-mouth-opening: Case Report
Bulletin of Tokyo Dental College  Nov-2007
Yonezu, H; Wakoh, M; Otonari, T; Sano, T; Hashimoto, S; Uchiyama, T; 口腔外科学; 歯科放射線学; 病理学
Osteosarcoma of Maxilla with Unusual Image Findings in Child
Bulletin of Tokyo Dental College  Nov-2011
Yamamoto, A; Sakamoto, J; Muramatsu, T; Hashimoto, S; Shibahara, T; Shimono, M; Sano, T; 歯科放射線学; 病理学; 口腔外科学
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