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Items for Author "Arataki, T"

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Showing 4 items.

Clinical evaluation of osseointegrated implants in Tokyo Dental College Hospital (third report): long-term observation of functioning survival rate of fixtures
Bulletin of Tokyo Dental College  Aug-2003
Miyashita, Y; Arataki, T; Nomura, T; Suzuki, H; Atsuta, S; Hotta, H; Shimamura, I; Adachi, Y; Kishi, M; 歯科補綴学第三
The influence of prosthesis designs and loading conditions on the stress distribution of tooth-implant supported prostheses
Bulletin of Tokyo Dental College  Nov-2004
Zhiyong, L; Arataki, T; Shimamura, I; Kishi, M; 歯科補綴学第三
Multidisciplinary treatment of mandibular prognathism with multiple congenitally missing teeth
Bulletin of Tokyo Dental College  Feb-2006
Nishimura, R; Nojima, K; Nishii, Y; Hanai, J; Arataki, T; Uchiyama, T; Yamaguchi, H; 歯科矯正学; 口腔外科学; 口腔インプラント科
Pre-operative Drilling Simulation Method for Dental Implant Treatment
Bulletin of Tokyo Dental College  Feb-2007
Arataki, T; Furuya, Y; Ito, T; Miyashita, Y; Shimamura, I; Yajima, Y; 口腔インプラント科; 総合診療科; 有床義歯補綴学