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Items for Author "Att, W"

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Showing 2 items.

Alleviation of commercial collagen sponge- and membrane-induced apoptosis and dysfunction in cultured osteoblasts by an amino acid derivative
International journal of oral & maxillofacial implants  10-Sep-2010
Yamada, M; Kubo, K; Ueno, T; Iwasa, F; Att, W; Hori, N; Ogawa, T; 有床義歯補綴学
Improvement in the osteoblastic cellular response to a commercial collagen membrane and demineralized freeze-dried bone by an amino acid derivative: an in vitro study
Clinical oral implants research  Feb-2011
Yamada, M; Kojima, N; Att, W; Minamikawa, H; Sakurai, K; Ogawa, T; 有床義歯補綴学