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Items for Author "Terakawa, Y"

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Showing 5 items.

Epinephrine in Local Anesthetic Cancels Increase in Tongue Mucosal Blood Flow after Stellate Ganglion Block in Rabbit
Bulletin of Tokyo Dental College  Feb-2007
Terakawa, Y; Handa, M; Ichinohe, T; Kaneko, Y; 歯科麻酔学
Relationship between oral tissue blood flow and oxygen tension in rabbit
Bulletin of Tokyo Dental College  May-2009
Terakawa, Y; Ichinohe, T; Kaneko, Y; 歯科麻酔学
Rocuronium and vecuronium do not affect mandibular bone marrow and masseter muscular blood flow in rabbits
Journal of oral and maxillofacial surgery  Jan-2010
Terakawa, Y; Ichinohe, T; Kaneko, Y; 歯科麻酔学
Redistribution of tissue blood flow after stellate ganglion block in the rabbit
Regional anesthesia and pain medicine  12-Nov-2009
Terakawa, Y; Ichinohe, T; Kaneko, Y; 歯科麻酔学
Unilateral stellate ganglion block produces bidirectional changes in tissue oxygen tension of the mental nerve in rabbits.
Journal of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery  Jan-2012
Kasahara, M; Terakawa, Y; Ichinohe, T; Kaneko, Y; 歯科麻酔学