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Items for Author "Yamada, S"

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Showing 19 items.

Production of protective antibodies against Porphyromonas gingivalis strains by immunization with recombinant gingipain domains
FEMS immunology and medical microbiology  Jul-2006
Yasaki-Inagaki, Y; Inagaki, S; Yamada, S; Okuda, K; Ishihara, K; 微生物学; 歯周病学
Periodontal regeneration following transplantation of proliferating tissue derived from periodontal ligament into class III furcation defects in dogs
Biomedical research  Jun-2006
Murano, Y; Ota, M; Katayama, A; Sugito, H; Shibukawa, Y; Yamada, S; 歯周病学
Surface protease of Treponema denticola hydrolyzes C3 and influences function of polymorphonuclear leukocytes
Microbes and infection  Jun-2006
Yamazaki, T; Miyamoto, M; Yamada, S; Okuda, K; Ishihara, K; 微生物学; 歯周病学
Effectiveness of proliferating tissues in combination with bovine-derived xenografts to intrabony defects of alveolar bone in dogs
Biomedical research  Apr-2007
Fujinami, K; Yamamoto, S; Ota, M; Shibukawa, Y; Yamada, S; 歯周病学
Treponema denticola induces interleukin-8 and macrophage chemoattractant protein 1 production in human umbilical vein epithelial cells
Microbes and infection  Jun-2007
Okuda, T; Kimizuka, R; Miyamoto, M; Kato, T; Yamada, S; Okuda, K; Ishihara, K; 微生物学; 歯周病学
Combination of bovine-derived xenografts and enamel matrix derivative in the treatment of intrabony periodontal defects in dogs
International Journal of Periodontics & Restorative Dentistry  Oct-2007
Yamamoto, S; Masuda, H; Shibukawa, Y; Yamada, S; 歯周病学
Treatment of Intrabony Periodontal Defects with Enamel Matrix Derivative in Private Practice: A Long-term Retrospective Study
Bulletin of Tokyo Dental College  May-2008
Saito, A; Nanbu, Y; Nagahata, T; Yamada, S; 口健臨・歯科保存学; 歯周病学
Erratum: Treatment of Intrabony Periodontal Defects with Enamel Matrix Derivative in Private Practice: A Long-term Retrospective Study
Bulletin of Tokyo Dental College  Aug-2008
Saito, A; Nanbu, Y; Nagahata, T; Yamada, S; 口健臨・歯科保存学; 歯周病学
Nicotine involved in periodontal disease through influence on cytokine levels
FEMS Immunology and Medical Microbiology  Feb-2008
Makino, A; Yamada, S; Okuda, K; Kato, T; 微生物学; 歯周病学
Immunolocalization of laminin and integrin in regenerating junctional epithelium of mice after gingivectomy
Journal of periodontal research  Aug-2009
Masaoka, T; Hashimoto, S; Kinumatsu, T; Muramatsu, T; Jung, HS; Yamada, S; Shimono, M; 病理学; 歯周病学; HRC7
The behavior of stem cells and progenitor cells in the periodontal ligament during wound healing as observed using immunohistochemical methods
Journal of periodontal research  Dec-2008
Ohta, S; Yamada, S; Matuzaka, K; Inoue, T; 歯周病学; 臨床検査学
Involvement of laminin and integrins in adhesion and migration of junctional epithelium cells
Journal of periodontal research  Feb-2009
Kinumatsu, T; Hashimoto, S; Muramatsu, T; Sasaki, H; Jung, HS; Yamada, S; Shimono, M; 病理学; 歯周病学
Transplantation of human tooth with proliferating periodontal tissue
Bulletin of Tokyo Dental College  Nov-2009
Ota, M; Yamamoto, S; Takahashi, K; Okuda-Tanaka, T; Fujita, T; Shibukawa, Y; Yamada, S; 歯周病学
N-Tetradecanoyl Homoserine Lactone, Signaling Compound for Quorum Sensing, Inhibits Porphyromonas gingivalis Growth
Research journal of microbiology  2006
Komiya-Ito, A; Ito, T; Yamanaka, A; Okuda, K; Yamada, S; Kato, T; 微生物学; 歯周病学; 口腔インプラント学
Investigation of Subgingival Profile of Periodontopathic Bacteria Using Polymerase Chain Reaction
Bulletin of Tokyo Dental College  Sep-2010
Komiya Ito, A; Ishihara, K; Tomita, S; Kato, T; Yamada, S; 歯周病学; 微生物学; 化学
Effect of smoking on subgingival microflora of patients with periodontitis in Japan
BMC oral health  Jan-2011
Kubota, M; Tanno-Nakanishi, M; Yamada, S; Okuda, K; Ishihara, K; 微生物学; 歯周病学; 口腔科学研究センター
Coverage of gingival recession defects using guided tissue regeneration with and without adjunctive enamel matrix derivative in a dog model
International journal of periodontics & restorative dentistry  Jan-2011
Fujita, T; Yamamoto, S; Ota, M; Shibukawa, Y; Yamada, S; 歯周病学
Effect of basic fibroblast growth factor on root resorption after delayed autotransplantation of tooth in dogs
Oral surgery, oral medicine, oral pathology and oral radiology  Aug-2012
Shiratani, S; Ota, M; Fujita, T; Seshima, F; Yamada, S; Saito, A; 歯周病学
Effect of basic fibroblast growth factor (FGF-2) in combination with beta tricalcium phosphate on root coverage in dog
Acta odontologica Scandinavica  Mar-2013
Ishii, Y; Fujita, T; Okubo, N; Ota, M; Yamada, S; Saito, A; 歯周病学